Superhero costume projects always seem to be at the top of the list for fun things to do for kids and adults. Everyone has a favorite superhero and kids and adults love bringing any one of them to life through everyday play, parties and events. Wonder Woman is part of the current superhero rage, and a Wonder Woman headband DIY project is the perfect way to bring her to life for super woman lovers, no matter the age.
Here are a few Wonder Woman headband DIY projects to delight the Wonder Woman in you:
Wonder Woman Headband DIY Project #1
Get this template for the first 4 DIY projects on Pinterest
What you Need
- Printable template (see above).
- Lightweight card stock that is bendable but not overly stiff.
- Scissors for template cutout.
- Crayons or markers (gold or other colors).
- Glitter (red).
- White craft glue/glue stick.
- Stapler/staples.
- If needed, brads for fastening.
How to Create
- Print out the template pieces on lighter weight card stock or regular printer paper.
- The printable pieces can also be cut out from regular paper and glued to card stock with a glue stick, which will create a sturdier headband.
- Once the template pieces are cut out, color the two headband pieces in any choice of crayons or marker colors. The older Wonder Woman headband/tiaras were gold with the red star in the center.
- Use glitter to highlight the center star area. Spread the glue over the star and apply the glitter. Shake off any excess glitter and allow the area to dry.
- Once dried, attach the second cutout headband extension piece to the front piece with staples or brads at the indicated red marks on the cutout.
Superhero Headband DIY Project #2
Image Source: Pinterest
What you Need
- Printable template (see above).
- Scissors or rotary cutter.
- Colorful fabric scraps.
- Small piece red felt.
- Sewing Machine.
- Matching thread.
- Iron on interfacing material.
- Fusible web.
- Pinking shears.
- Star shape template or cookie cutter.
- Velcro closure strips – approximately 3 inches +.
- Knitting needle.
- Iron.
How to Create
- Print out the template.
- Cut out the template (it is one-half of the template). An additional quarter inch seam allowance has been allowed with the template.
- Take the chosen fabric scraps, place the template on the fold, with the pointed edge of the template directly on the fold of the material and then go around the template and cut.
- Cut out two pieces from the template. If the material is lightweight, think about using iron-on interfacing to give the fabric more body and stiffness.
- Once the interfacing has been ironed in, put the two fabric pieces together with their right sides facing one another.
- Sew around the pieces using a seam allowance of a quarter inch and leave a small opening at the bottom of the band to be able to later turn the fabric to its right side.
- Once sewn, use pinking shears or scissors to cut along the curves of the material and clip all the corners so the headband is easy to turn to the right side of the fabric.
- Turn the headband to the other side from the small opening at the bottom of the headband and use a knitting needle or similar tool to flatten out the corners.
- Iron around all the seams until the headband is neat and flat and then top stitch all around the headband close to its edge.
- Use fusible web to iron on the red felt piece and cut out a star shape from a template or cookie cutter.
- Remove the backing from the fusible web and position the red felt star in the middle and iron the star in place. Then top stitch around the star.
- Add Velcro strips (a little over 3 inches) to the ends of the headband, and sew them in place so they match up perfectly for closure.
Wonder Woman Headband DIY Project #3
Image Source: Pinterest
What you Need
- Printable template (see above).
- Peel and stick glitter foam sheet (gold).
- Peel and stick glitter foam stars (red).
- Felt piece (neutral color).
- Scissors or rotary cutter.
- Hot glue gun.
- Glue sticks.
- Narrow elastic.
How to Create
- Print a headband template from those provided through the Pinterest link.
- Trace the template onto the peel and stick glitter sheet.
- Cut out the pattern.
- Hot glue a piece of felt liner (cut to fit) to the back of the peel and stick template for more comfortable wearing.
- Take a piece of narrow elastic and hot glue it between the glitter foam and the felt liner to keep the headband in place for wearing.
- Use a red star from the glitter foam peel and stick and affix it to the middle of the headband. If the peel and stick is not available in star shapes, use sheet peel and stick and cut out your own star from a template or cookie cutter.
Wonder Woman Tiara Headband Project #4
What you Need
- Craft foam.
- Reference picture to use as a template.
- Contact cement.
- Spray paint.
- Gold and silver acrylic paint.
- Black elastic.
- Hot glue gun.
How to Create
- Using a reference picture, sketch out a template on a piece of paper and cut the tiara.
- Fold the template in half and draw lines on each side of the paper. Make sure they match; you can put the paper up on a window to get it right.
- Cut a paper of the outer shape.
- Cut out the shapes that overlap each other. For the top part, cut out on side, then turn it over to make another one.
- Cut out the star.
- Use your paper pieces as templates to cut out foam pieces.
- Glue the pieces with contact cement.
- Spray paint the tiara with the copper color.
- Dry brush with gold and silver acrylic paint.
- Hot glue the elastic to the tiara.
Summing Up
Wonder Woman headband DIY projects are fun any time of year, and any one of the projects given here are fairly easy and inexpensive to complete. The various materials and tools are accessible through craft and fabric stores, and you might even have a number of them already in your superhero crafting arsenal.
Join the discussion and share your own Wonder Woman headband DIY crafting projects.